Icare software

Full Qualification (case study)

The case study

Frequently, students are enrolled in a full Nationally Accredited Qualification. These courses are likely to be conducted over a longer period of time (often between six months and three years).

Distinguishing features

One example of this might be BSB51107, Diploma of Management. This is a course, where students complete enrolment documentation prior to commencing training, participate in training over a period of months, complete assessment tasks and are then assessed. In this situation, the enrolment would be entered into Icare with a training plan event and then other events would be entered manually as they occur.

In this case study, the following information has been used:

You will need to determine the equivalent information for your chosen Full Qualification.

Setting up the course

From the Home page select Management, then Select Manage Courses.

As the chosen course is a nationally accredited one, the quickest way to create the course in Icare is to Import a Qualification from Training.gov.au.

Full details for Importing a Qualification can be viewed by selecting the link above. For this case study, only the specific details will be described.

Select Import a Qualification from TGA from the left panel. The Import Qualification data entry screen will be displayed.

Under Search Criteria, enter the information you know about the course.

Package Name
enter BSB07 and when the Training packages appears in the automatically generated list, select it.
Course Code
Enter BSB51107

Select Search from the I would like to box on the left.

The relevant course will appear. under the Search Results heading. Double click on the course, or highlight it and select Import from the Import Qualification box to import the Qualification.

The add course page will be displayed, with most of the Behaviours and Classification details completed for you.

Next to Nominal hours, enter the allocated nominal hours for your course e.g. 420.

Select Save Changes from the I would like to box. The course will be saved and the Course page will be displayed.

Setting up the course template

From the Course page, click Add a course template from the Course Templates box on the left. A data entry screen will appear. Enter the following information in the data fields.

Enter a name for your course template e.g. DOM June 2012. This name should reflect the purpose of the template.
Report To
Select the State to whom you will be reporting the data, for example choose Tasmania.
Leave Blank. This field would be used if the course template was linked to a specific employer.
Delivery location
Enter Tas RTO.
If the required delivery location is not on Icare, you will need to create the delivery location.
Delivery Mode
Enter 10 Classroom-based.
Enter Fee For Service.
Assign Trainer
Enter Smith, Jim. Select the trainer, if desired or leave blank.
If you have no trainers entered on Icare and you wish to assign a trainer, or the desired Trainer is not on the list, then you will need to add a trainer.
Choose Add Training Plan event.
Proposed Commencement Date
Enter the proposed commenencement date e.g. 01/06/2012, if desired.
Proposed Completion Date
Enter the proposed completion date e.g. 01/12/2013, if desired.

Add Modules

From the Modules box on the left, select Add Modules.

Under I would like to, choose Select Modules from Master List.

If the module you wish to add is provided in the list, then:

If you have not yet entered Trainer details, you will need to Add a Trainer.

If the module you wish to add is not on the list provided then:

If you do not know the full title of the module or the complete unit code, you can choose to enter part of the module (unit) name/code, e.g. Team Effectiveness or BSBMGT.

Setting up Certificate reports and rules

This Certificate rule is designed to generate both a Certificate and a Transcript of Results at the one time. If you haven't already done so, you will need to create the required Certificate reports in Icare, before establishing the Certificate rule.

To create a Certificate rule, select Manage Certificate Rules from under Reports on the Management Menu.

Select Add a Certificate Rule from the Certificate Rule box on the left. This will open the Add a Certificate Rule data entry page, enter the following information into the fields:

Enter Diploma of Management.This is the course to which the rule will be applied.
Leave as Not Stated.
Funding Disclosed?
Leave as Not Stated.
Commence typing ACME Training DOM Certificate. When the Certificate report name appers in the list, select it.
The report will only be available if it has previously been uploaded into Icare. Refer to create a Certificate report.
Report 2
Commence typing ACME Training DOM Transcript of Results. When the report name appers in the list, select it.
This second report will be used to generate a Transcript of Results to support the Certificate. As for the Certificate report, this report will only be available if it has previously been uploaded into Icare. Refer to create a Certificate report.

Click Save Changes.

Certificate Rules can be edited or deleted using the options in the Certificate rules box on the left of the page.


The enrolment process is where the student enrolment details are entered into Icare.


Follow the standard instructions for adding an enrolment, up to selecting the course template.

If only one course template exists for the course you have selected, then this template will be selected automatically.

If more than one template exists for the course, then you will be taken to the Apply Course Templates to Enrolments page.

At this point you will choose the course template you created e.g. DOM June 2012, by either highlighting it and selecting Apply highlighed Course Template to Enrolment or double clicking on the course template.

The Add enrolment page will be displayed, with many of the fields pre-filled (this information has been applied from the template).

Complete the enrolment by entering the following information:

Enrolment Date
This will have defaulted to the current date. If this is incorrect, you should change it now.
Report To
This will have been pre-filled based on the information from the course template i.e. Tasmania.
Study Reason
Enter the reason for the study, as selected by the student on their enrolment documents, e.g. 05 To get a better job or promotion.
VET in schools?
Leave this box unticked.
Tick this box only if the enrolment is being conducted through a secondary school. If this box is ticked, the School field will be open and you must select a school. If the required school has not been entered into your database, you will need to add a school.
If the student is linked to a specific Employer, enter the employer in this field e.g Margaret Wong.
If the required employer has not been entered into your database, you will need to add an employer.
Leave this field blank.
Default Delivery Location
This will have been completed by the course template. If required, the Delivery location can be changed now.
Default Delivery Mode
This will have been completed by the course template. If required, the Delivery mode can be changed now.

The next two sections will be dependant on the chosen Report To State. In this example the students' enrolment will be Reported to Tasmania, so the following fields will be present under the heading Tasmania.

Default Fee Exemption
This will be greyed out.
This fields will be different for enrolments that are being Reported to other states. Refer to Report To States.

The next section is under the heading Funding, Enter the following information as decribed below:

This will be pre-filled from the Course Template e.g. Fee for Service, however you can change the funding type, if desired. If the funding type required has not been entered into your database, you will need to add a funding type.

Other fields may also be active under the funding heading, depending on the Funding type that has been choosen. These fields include:

Registration Number
Trainee Identifier
These fields may be different for enrolments that are being Reported to other states. Refer to Report To States.

Select Save Changes in the I would like to box on the left.

Add Events

Based on the Course Template in which we chose the Behaviour to be Add Training Plan event, the enrolment will now proceed directly to the Add Event page, and will display the Training Plan Event.

Training Plan Event

The Add Event data page will be pre-filled with the training plan details specific in the couse template, however, some additional information will need to be added. This is described below:

Proposed Commencement Date
This field will be blank. Enter the propsed commencement date e.g. 15/06/2012.
Proposed Completion Date
This field will be blank. Enter the proposed completion date, e.g. 15/06/2013.

Many of the other fields on this Add Event page, can be modified if required. For example, if the student you are enroling is going overseas for work during the training period and you may choose to adjust the module proposed start and end dates to accomodate that travel. Trainers and modules can also be changed, added or deleted (after considering relevant RTO Learning and Assessment Strategy and Policy documents), as required.

Select Save Changes from the I would like to box on the left. This will record the Training Plan event.

Other Events

Once training commences, other Events can be added manually to this enrolment. Events that might be added include: Training Plan Revised Training Assessment Contact Comment Complete Sucessfully Complete Unsucessfully.

Refer to the Add Event page for further event options or to how to Add Events, for instructions on how to add an event.