Icare software

Add a Funding Type

Funding types are added from the Manage Funding Types menu option under the Set up heading of the Management menu.

Select Add a Funding Type from the Funding Types box on the left. This will open the Add Funding Type page.

Select the relevant State in the Report To drop down box, e.g. Victoria.

Specify a Name for the Funding Type. This name is RTO defined and gives the state funding code contract a simple name.

If funding is contracted on a yearly basis, it might be a good idea to include the calendar year in the Name.

Select the relevant State Funding code and/or National funding code as appropriate to your state and funding type. Frequently, the National funding code will be automatically completed when the State funding code is entered. Occasionally, both the State and National funding codes need to be selected.

Specify whether or not the funding type will be linked to an Apprentiship/Traineesship, and if the type of funding should be disclosed. These fields assist to determine which information to include on the certifcate and which certificate report should be used for issuing of the certificate upon completion of the course.

Where relevant, include the Purchasing Contract and Purchasing Schedule.

Ensure that the Report to AVETMISS? box is ticked.

AVETMISS and Icare are not interested in recording Employer Incentives. Funding that is linked to employer incentives is only recorded in Icare when there is a direct association to the RTO Funding.

Purchasing Contract and Schedule

The Purchasing Contract and Purchasing Schedule fields are optional. The Purchasing Contract field is where you would enter the contract code issued by the state.

The Purchasing Contract and Schedule are linked. It is possible to have one contract that is associated with multiple schedules (each schedule is generally a course on your RTO scope). When this occurs you will need to set up multiple funding types to cover each schedule.

Additional Information

There are three additional fields on the Add Funding Type page, that may be active, depending on the State being reported to.

Intake Number
This field is used specifically when reporting to Western Australia. The intake number is RTO defined.
Course Site ID
This field is used specifically when reporting a funding type with a National Code of 11 Commonwealth and state general purpose recurrent to New South Wales.
Booking ID
As with the This field is used specifically when reporting a funding type with a National Code of 11 Commonwealth and state general purpose recurrent to New South Wales.

These fields are linked to reporting of training and funding on the Approved Providers List (APL) and are associated with the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Training Program (ATTP), Productivity Places Program (PPP) and the Strategic Skills Program (SSP).

Example - Victorian Government Funding

Report To
Select Victoria
Enter 2012 SFV Non-Traineeship
State Funding Code
Select P General (Not Apprentice/Trainee)
National Funding Code
This will Automatically default to 11 Commonwealth and state general purpose recurrent.
Do not tick this box.
Funding Disclosed?
Put a tick in this box.
Purchasing Contract
Enter the relevant government contract number in this field. e.g. 201211250.
Purchasing Schedule
If you have a Purchasing Schedule for this contract, enter it in this field.

The next three fields are: Intake Number, Course Site ID, and Booking ID. These fields are not relevant for Victorian funding and are therefore greyed out.

Report to AVETMISS?
Put a tick in this box.

Example - Tasmanian Funding

Report To
Select Tasmania
Enter 2012 FFS -Employer Paid
State Funding Code
Select 80 Fee of Service funding (including Commonwealth existing employees funding).
National Funding Code
This will Automatically default to 20 Domestic full fee-paying client.
Do not tick this box.
Funding Disclosed?
Do not tick this box.
Purchasing Contract
Leave this field blank.
Purchasing Schedule
Leave this field blank.

The next three fields are: Intake Number, Course Site ID, and Booking ID. These fields are not relevant for Tasmanian funding and are therefore greyed out.

Report to AVETMISS?
Put a tick in this box.

Example - Western Australian Funding

Report To
Select Western Australian
Enter a name for your funding type e.g. 2012 WA Contract
State Funding Code
Select 11 SAW - Special Projects.
National Funding Code
This will Automatically default to 11 11 Commonwealth and state general purpose recurrent.
Do not tick this box.
Funding Disclosed?
Do not tick this box.
Contracted Program of Study
Enter the Contract Number.
Purchasing Schedule
Include if a schedule is relevant.
Intake Number
Enter the relevant Intake number.

The next two fields are: Course Site ID, and Booking ID. These fields are not relevant for Western Australian funding and are therefore greyed out.

Report to AVETMISS?
Put a tick in this box.

Example - New South Wales Funding

Report To
Select New South Wales
Enter a name for your funding type e.g. 2012 NSW Goverment Contract
State Funding Code
For NSW funding, there are no specific State Funding Codes and therefore this field will be greyed out. Only the National codes are applied.
National Funding Code
Select 11 11 Commonwealth and state general purpose recurrent.
Do not tick this box.
Funding Disclosed?
Tick this box.
Purchasing Contract
Enter the Contract Number.
Purchasing Schedule
Include, if a schedule is relevant.
Intake Number
This field is not relevant for New South Wales funding and is therefore greyed out.
Course Site ID
Enter the Course Site ID number.
Booking ID.
Enter the Course Site ID number.
Report to AVETMISS?
Put a tick in this box.