NAT00020 - Training Organisation Delivery Location file
AVETMISS Field Name | Icare Field Name |
Training Organisation Identifier | RTO National RTO # |
Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier | Delivery Location Identifier |
Training Organisation Delivery Location Name | Delivery Location Name |
Postcode | Delivery Location Address (line 3) |
State Identifier | Delivery Location Address (line 3) |
Address Location - Suburb or Town or Locality | Delivery Location Address (line 3) |
Country Identifier | This is automatically reported as Australia |
Statistical Local Area | This field is left blank by Icare |
How do I get to the Relevant Section?
Management Manage RTO Add/Edit RTO
Management Manage Delivery Location Add/Edit a Delivery Location
- Country Identifier
- Icare currently only supports Australia, and therefore automatically reports "Australia" into this field.
- Statistical Local Area
- This field is left blank by Icare.
AVETMISS / Icare Mapping
- NAT00010 - Training Organisation file
- NAT00020 - Training Organisation Delivery Location file
- NAT00030 - Course file
- NAT00060 - Module/Unit of Competency file
- NAT00080 - Client file
- NAT00085 - Client Postal Details file
- NAT00090 - Client Disability file
- NAT00100 - Client Prior Educational Achievement file
- NAT00120 - Enrolment file
- NAT00130 - Qualification Completed file