If you are new to Icare, the first task to building your personalised database will be to include your RTO details as described below:
- From the Home page, under the Managment heading, select
- Select .
- Select .
- Enter in the details for your RTO, including Name, number, address and contact information.
The National RTO # should be your RTO Code as listed on the website
- Click .
Once the RTO has been entered and saved,
(on the left hand side of the page), will change to .Having entered your RTO, you will then need to specify the states that your RTO will report to.
- From the Left hand side, select .
- Select state e.g. Victoria.
- In the field, enter your RTO State number.
This will be the same as your National RTO # in most cases. The main exception is Queensland, where you will have been given a Queensland specific number for AVETMISS reporting.
- Click .
Multiple Report to options can be added simply by clicking
for each reporting State, as required. You can also , and as required using the options in the box on the left hand side.