Icare software

NAT00085 - Client Postal Details file

AVETMISS Field Name Icare Field Name
Client (Student) Identifier Student Identifier
Client Title Student Title
Client First Given Name Student Given Names
Client Last Name (Surname) Student Surname
Address First Line Student Postal Address (line 1)
Address Second Line Student Postal Address (line 2)
Address Postal - Suburb, Locality or Town Student Postal Address (line 3)
Postcode Student Postal Address (line 3)
State Identifier Student Postal Address (line 3)
Telephone Number - Home Student Home Phone
Telephone Number - Work Student Work Phone
Telephone Number - Mobile Student Mobile
E-mail Address Student Email

How do I get to the Relevant Section?

Home page Select Add an Enrolment, OR Search for Student Add/Edit Student

AVETMISS / Icare Mapping