Planning for Certificate and Statement of Attainment report creation
Before creating a Certificate or Statement of Attainment report, there are a few things that should be considered.
Step 1 - Paper Type
What type of paper will the documents be printed on? For example, plain, high quality paper, letterhead, specialist paper printed with company logos images or watermarks.
- If plain, high quality paper is to be used, jump to Step 2).
- If letterhead is to be used, jump to Step 2), but ensure that your Certificate or Statement of Attainment report template allows sufficient room at the top/bottom/sides so that the text fits within the white space on the letterhead.
- If specialist paper is to be used, when the specialist paper is designed consider the following:
- a) Will the same paper be used for both Certificates and Statements? Using the same paper for both could be a cost effective option as only one paper type will need to be ordered.
- b) What logos, images or watermarks be included as pre-printed?
- c) Where will these logos/images be positioned? Remember that a Statement of Attainment which includes a list of Module codes and names, is likely to need a greater print area than a Certificate.
- d) Are the logos/images Coloured or Black and White?
- e) Are any of the logos/images likely to be in the way of text to be added by the Certificate/Statement of Attainment report? If yes, if may be better to include them within the Certificate or Statement of Attainment report template if that is possible, so they can be adjusted as required.
Step 2 - Number of Templates and Template Design
Within Icare it is possible to have one or more Certificate templates and one or more Statement of Attainment templates. For example, you may wish to have one certificate template that includes the regulatory required wording for Traineeships and a second template that includes only the required wording relating to the Australian Quality Training Framework.
Where more than one template is to be used, each template must be created and then "Rules for Certificates and Statements" are created and applied to determine which template should be used.
It is also possible to have a template that will result in the creation of both a Certificate and a Transcript of Results, either as one MS Word file or two.
Once you have determined what will be the most suitable for your RTO, continue on to Step 3.
Step 3 - Templates
Does your RTO have templates that already exist for these documents? If yes, can they be converted to a Microsoft Word Document in Rich Text Format?
- If your current templates can be readily converted to Rich Text Format, then you are well on your way. Proceed to Create a Certificate report or Create a Statement of Attainment report.