Manage Marks
Based on your RTOs existing Policies and Procedures, you need to create a list of the Marks that could possibly be allocated to a student throughout their training. The
option in Icare, is where you can create and manage the different Marks or Grades that will be reported for all students by your RTO. The actual Marks and the associated abbreviations must be determined and created at the set up stage. The grading/marking system which you choose to enter into Icare should be directly linked to the methods of assessment. is located under the Setup heading of the menu.Some thought must go into determining the Marks that you will setup in ICare. Icare has the capacity to manage a number of different marking/grading types. Some options are:
- High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, Pass, Fail
- Numerical Grades, entered as percentages
- Alphabetical grades, A, B, C, D, E, F
- Competency based assessment, Competent, Not Yet Competent, Did Not Start, Withdrawn.
- Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) granted, RPL not granted/unsuccessful, RPL Incomplete.
Icare can also accomodate Marking/grading in parts where, for example, students must complete both a theoretical and a practical assessment before they can be deemed to have successfully completed the module.
It should be noted that the names chosen to represent the marks/grades allocated to your students are not the information that is reported to AVETMISS. When you create the Marks on Icare, you will be stating the relevant AVETMISS code to be reported back to AVETMISS when that particular Mark is entered. This have been demonstrated in the example below.
Within Icare, Marks can be a certain Type. Type options include:
- Final Assessment - should be chosen when the Mark is a final mark and will not be changed.
- Interim Assessment - should be used when and interim assessment is given, but the student has the opportunity to provide further evidence that may change the final outcome (for example, Not Yet Competent, where the student has the option to re-submit and be further assessed).
- RPL Underway - this Type has been created in Icare to accomodate Students that have commenced down the path of being assessed through RPL, but their assessment has not yet been finalised (for example, they are gathering evidence for review and assessment).
To Manage Marks for your RTO:
- Select from the Management/Setup menu.
- Select from the box on the left. This will produce the Add Mark data entry screen. Enter data in the relevant fields as described below:
- Name
- Enter the name you wish to give your Mark, e.g. Competent.
- Code
- Enter the code for your Mark. This is an abreviation that will be used to represent your mark e.g. C for Competent.
- Type
- Select the Type of mark from the drop down list e.g. Final Assessment.
- Outcome
- Choose and outcome for your mark., e.g. 20 Competency achieved/pass. This is the outcome that will be reported to AVETMISS each time the mark is issued to a student.
- Successful
- Place a tick in this box if the Mark is a sucessful outcome for the student. Leave the box empty if the Mark represents an unsucessful outcome for the student.
.Suggested Marks
Name | Code | Type | Outcome | Successful? |
Competent | C | Final Assessment | 20 | Yes |
Not Yet Competent | NYC | Final Assessment | 30 | No |
RPL Underway | RAU | RPL Assessment Underway | - | - |
RPL Granted | RPL | Final Assessment | 51 | Yes |
RPL not Granted | NPL | Final Assessment | 52 | No |
Extension Granted | EXT | Interim Assessment | 30 | - |