Icare software


All states are required to report compliance data at some point. Icare has a number of simple, built in reports which are designed to create the required files for upload to AVETMISS via your regulatory body.

The most common compliance report is the AVETMISS Export. This will create the NAT files required for upload as described below. Other compliance reports available in Icare include:


From the Home page, Select AVETMISS Export from under the Compliance heading.

Choose the required reporting state from Report To drop down list. e.g. Victoria

Select the year for which the Export is required (most frequently this will be the current calendar year). e.g. 2012

From the I would like to box on the left, select Start Export and select the desired options.

Select the number of months for which you would like Icare to extend proposed end dates. e.g. 3
This will only extend proposed end dates that are past due, and will extend them by the value chosen for the purpose of the export (the dates will not be changed in Icare). For Example, if you are submitting an export on the 30th October 2012, a module has a proposed end date of 1st September 2012 and you select to extend by 3 months, this module would be exported with a proposed end date of 1st December 2012.
In this field you can elect to report modules that are unmarked, beyond their due date, by specifiying how long a module can remain unmarked. e.g. 30. This will report the module as unmarked, but with a proposed end date that is within the past 30 days.
If you have chosen to Extend the proposed end dates (as described above), then this field will be greyed out.
Tuition Fee Rate
Select Allow Blank during 2012, for 2012 Exports. When commencing 2013 Exports, you should select Raise an error if blank.
This field is specific to Victorian reporting and will be greyed out if the export will be reported to another state.

Having made your selections, Select Continue Export from the I would like to box on the left.

Icare will then generate the appropriate NAT files and place them in a temporary Icare folder on your computer desktop. From Icare you have the options to Browse AVETMISS files or Open folder. The Browse option also allows you to compare the file with a previous Export.

The NAT files located in the temporary folder can be uploaded to the required governing body following the standard processes in each state.