RTO Types
There are many different types of RTOs and the way in which Icare is used may depend on the size and structure of your RTO.
Areas of Icare that may be managed differently depending on the type of RTO include, but are not limited to:
- Manage Courses
- Manage Course Templates
- Manage Delivery Locations and
- Manage Reports.
Listed below are some examples of the types of RTOs that may use Icare. Consider your RTO and determine which one most closely reflects your company. Your RTO may fit closely into one of these categories, or it may be a combination of several.
Large TAFE Style RTOs
- Larger TAFE style RTOs are likely to be providing training in a number of nationally recognised training Qualifications which may be across several training packages. They may also provide training in single modules.
- Training may occur at one or more campuses at designated Workplace sites or online through distance education programs
- Training programs are most often fixed for a group of students (that is there are fixed classes to attend) and therefore all students enrolled as a part of that group will have the same training plan.
- Training is likely to be conducted by a large number of different trainers.
Small to Medium sized RTO delivering full Qualifications
- Small to Medium Sized RTOs are likely to be delivering one of more full qualifications (from Nationally Accredited Training packages) . That is, they are training students in a full Qualification, rather than just single modules or a group of modules.
- Depending on the RTO size, its scope may include one to five or ten Qualifications, generally from a small number of training packages.
- Training is likely to be conducted in a small number of locations, which may be general areas, rather than a fixed address. RTOs of this size often hire an approriate space as a delivery location (e.g. function room, Neighbourhood house training room etc), rather than managing the ongoing cost of leasing training locations.
- Training programs may be fixed for a group of students (that is there are fixed classes to attend) and therefore all students enrolled as a part of that group will have the same training plan, but they may also account for individual variations as required.
- Training is likely to be conducted by a small number of trainers.
RTO providing short course training
- Some RTOs provide training in specific Skill Sets, or part of a Skill set. Frequently this type of RTO will provide a number of different short courses, associated around a specific topic. For Example, Food and Beverage Handling, or Occupational Health and Safety.
- Skills sets are linked to industry requirements and provide students with the required certification for a particular job. For example, Responsible Service of Alcohol, is required for someone wishing to work in a bar/resturant or nightclub with a liquor licence. Frequently, this type of training may involve one or more modules from an accredited qualification, however, it is not necessary for candidates to complete a full Qualification in order to achieve the desired outcome.
- This type of RTO may also deliver training that must be renewed or refreshed on a regular basis. For example, First aid certification.
- Training is likely to be held in one or more fixed locations, but may also be provided onsite at a workplace for larger clients.
- Training is likely to be held on a set schedule and may range from a few hours, to a few days in duration.
RTO Providing Online/Distance Learning
- Some RTOs only provide training via online or distance learning. The way these courses are structured within Icare, may be different to those involving formal student/teacher classroom interaction.
- RTOs with Online learning may offer a number of different qualifications and training packages, Skills set training, short courses or single module training.
- Training is conducted online, at the students location, so generally the only delivery location recorded in Icare is the RTOs primary address.
- Training is generally self-guided and self-paced, with a maximum completion time.
- Students may be assigned a trainer to enable mentoring/coaching support which could be conducted either online or by phone.
When working with Icare, remember these categories as it may help you to determine the best way to structure your data within Icare. They are also refered to throughout this User Manual.