The Survey contact status field was added as part of AVETMISS release 8.0. It is used to exclude students from participating in the Student Outcomes Survey and other communications.
The field has the following available options:
Available for survey use, -
Correctional facility (address or enrolment), -
Deceased student, -
Excluded from survey use, -
Invalid address / Itinerant student (very low likelihood of response), -
Minor’s under age of 15 (not to be surveyed), -
Overseas (address or enrolment).
Icare will default this field to A
Available for survey use and you can update as appropriate during the duration of the enrolment.
The AVETMISS specification has the following GUIDELINES FOR USE:
The classification value
Excluded from survey use should only be used if the client (or parent/guardian) objects to being surveyed or requests address information is withheld. RTOs are not required to ask clients if they fall into this category i.e. use the code only when the information is volunteered.
Changes to this field will likely happen at the end of an enrolment when you are finalizing the enrolment record. To assist in this process Icare will give you the option to update this field when adding Complete Successfully, Complete Unsuccessfully or Cancelled events.
For details of the Student Outcomes Survey, please refer to