If you find that you have entered a student multiple times and want to merge the Student records, retaining all enrolments, then you can use the Merge Student option.
Enable merging
The Merge Student option is disabled by default reflecting the care and consideration you should take whilst using this powerful option.
Enable the Merge Student option by:
click on Console within the File menu,
tick Merging People is enabled? in the I would like to box of the Console window,
You can close the Console window if you wish, alternatively leave it open so that you can un-tick the option later.
Primary and secondart records
When you merge two student records, one student’s fields will be retained and the other deleted. Only the enrolments of both student recods will be retained.
The principal field to consider is the student identifier. AVETMISS wants a student’s identifier to never change, so if you have reported a student identifier you should continue to use that identifier.
Of the two student records you are merging you need to identify the record you want to keep, the primary record, and the record you wish to delete, the secondary record.
You will probably want to edit the primary Student (and Student AVETMISS) record making sure it has all of the details you want to keep from both records.
Merge the records
Merge two student records by:
go to the Student page of the secondary student record that will be deleted,
click Merge Student into … in the I would like to box,
Icare will look for similar student records,
highlight the primary student record that you want to merge into,
click Merge hith highlighted Person in the Merge? box.
Disable merging
You can now optionally disable the merge option by unticking the option on the Console window. If you do not Icare will disable it the next time you log in.