Icare software

Import Enrolment Form PDF

Enrolment Form details can be imported from a PDF Form by:


Whilst preparing your PDF Form and making it compatible with Icare, you can use the testing option to see how well Icare can process your form.

Test a PDF Form by:

Field Names

Each form field on a PDF Form has a Name and for fields that will be imported into Icare, the Name must as prescribed by Icare.

For example, the Surname field must have a name of Surname and the Date of Birth field must have a name of DOB.

A full list of field names that Icare expects can be obtained by using the testint option above. That will list the fields Icare expects, which ones where found in your PDF Form and the field names Icare did not recognise.

Selection Fields

Some fields such as Study Reason have defined codes such as 01 "Full-time employee" and you will likely list out all of the codes on the form with a Check Box field infront. Each of those check boxes will have a different name, in particular for Study Reason they will be named:

A similar set of check boxes would be named:

USI Field

For the USI, you can have either a single Text field or a separate Text field for each of the 10 digits in a USI.

The single field would be named USI.

Each of the digit fields would be named:

It is recommended to set the following field properties, other than name, for the digit fields:

The single field should have a property of:

Single Name Field

If you have a Single Name check box field, where a student inticates that they only have a single name, you can hide the GIven Name and Middle Names fields with a Mouse Up Action: