SSL Certificate has expired!
Icare hosting uses SSL Certificates to identify you when you login and secure your connection to the server.
Each PC that you install Icare onto will have it's own SSL Certificate.
SSL Certificate expiry
The SSL Certificates only last one year plus a month, so you need to renew them each year.
You will know that you need to do this when you see either of the following two messages on the Log in page:
WARNING: SSL Certificate expires in # days
WARNING: SSL Certificate has expired!
This will be followed by a Renew SSL Certificate link to start the renewal process.
Renew SSL Certificate
The SSL Certificate renewal process will proceed as follows:
- Start
Click the Renew SSL Certificate link.
- Sign In
Enter your Email address and click Send sign in code.
- Verify Sign In Code
Check your inbox for an email titled Sign in code for Icare hosting.
Enter or copy & paste the Sign in code and click Verify sign in code.
- Log in
Once a new SSL Certificate has been generated you will be returned to the Log in page.